Gale's Content

Gale’s acclaimed book, articles, podcasts, fireside chats, and other content offer a deep and broad perspective on the real-world application of her growth model. Click on the topic menu to reveal print, video, and audio offerings in each category.


Gale's Cornerstone Book

Gale’s book, At the Crossroads: The Remarkable CPA Firm That Nearly Crashed, Then Soared  is a delightful parable about a sleepy, uninspired CPA firm that transforms into an accounting powerhouse.

Meet managing partner Joe Abriola who has just learned that his partners are on the verge of mutiny. How does the firm recover and thrive? Spoiler alert—Gale’s growth model swoops in to save the day! The book is an instructive tale that’s filled with valuable insight on achieving growth despite the odds.

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From Hunter to Organizing the Hunt

The managing partner’s approach to growth drives much of what happens in, and to your firm. When that approach is informed, you can expect a successful hunt. When it isn’t, disappointment and frustration are likely.

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Winning More Significant Opportunities in Today’s Environment

Recent events in the profession will continue to result in more and larger clients evaluating a potential change in their CPA firm over the next couple of years. Firms which invest in the expertise necessary to win significant opportunities have a once-in-a-lifetime ability to grow their revenue substantially. In evaluating this ability to win, I…

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Herding Tigers and Other Lone Rangers

For CPAs, winning significant opportunities is the ultimate team sport. If you or other tigers in your firm are accustomed to going it alone, you’ll find it’s next to impossible to do this consistently when the business is large and complex. The reluctance of CPAs to recognize this keeps many from conquering high-value targets.

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Build Value to Grow Revenue

Remember the theme from Cheers, the TV series about a friendly Boston pub and its memorable ‘regulars?’ The refrain says: “You want to go where everybody knows your name.” Something similar is at work when it comes to building value propositions to grow revenue. To succeed, you’ve got to determine what makes the buyer tick.

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Client Opportunity Planning

Promising opportunities may not be sporting overalls at your firm, but it’s likely a number of them have successfully camouflaged themselves from you and your partners! Sure, you’re busy these days, but sheer momentum isn’t enough to guarantee long-term sustainable growth. For that you need an orderly approach to opportunity planning.

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Why Can’t CPAs Get Traction with New Services?!

Not so long ago, the business of an accounting firm was as predictable as men’s business attire. Tax preparation and audits were about as far as it went. Unfortunately, as firms have attempted to branch out into an array of related services, their experiences have been hit or miss. More often than not, the reason is that they are unfamiliar with some of the fundamentals in bringing a new service to market, and often incorrectly pattern their efforts after bringing products to market.

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Mistakes Made – Lessons Learned In Developing a Niche

Mistakes can teach us a great deal. The lessons can be difficult, even costly, but there’s no better teacher. When the goal is establishing a technology niche, or any new service, I’ve seen a pattern of errors worth identifying and avoiding.

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Marketing and Managing Professional Service Offerings

In today’s sophisticated marketplace, professionally marketed and managed services stand the best chance of gaining notice and winning market share. What’s true for consumer goods, health care and telecommunications, also applies to professional services such as those offered by CPAs and lawyers. Many firms that have acknowledged the need have been richly rewarded. Those that have embraced the need and acted on it have seen even more impressive results.

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The Power of Research Calls

Accounting is an old profession, one that I’ve been practicing for 38 years. I’ve worked hard to build a book of business. To meet people in my community. To provide exceptional client service. After all, that’s what I was taught to do – it’s what I taught others. It’s how a CPA becomes successful. Right? Well, it turns out, there is a better way.

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Identifying Tomorrow’s Next Service Line and Industry Stars

From singers to chefs, America is obsessed with identifying its next big stars. For viewers of TV shows like American Idol or Top Chef, it’s all about an hour of entertainment. But in today’s competitive business environment the ability to identify a future industry or service line super star can help your firm pull ahead of the competition.

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Change the “Channel”

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard this statement: “You know, Gale, once I get in front of a prospect I have no trouble selling them!” “Well, gee,” I want to respond but restrain myself, “that’s a real surprise!”

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Designing the Perfect Service

After several years of searching, I’ve finally found a top-notch book that discusses how to innovate services – Tuned In, by Stull, Myers & Scott. It encourages the reader to listen closely to their markets for signals about what’s really on the minds of the people they serve.

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Product Management – The Secret Weapon of Growth

It’s fair to say that CPAs have ‘gotten the memo’ when it comes to the importance and value of marketing. Telling their story to those who need to hear it – and are in a position to respond – is a concept many now understand and even embrace. But in today’s demanding marketplace, it’s not enough to market an offering; you’ve got to manage it – from incubation through birth, innovation and beyond. Sharply designed brochures, hard-hitting direct mail and interactive websites simply won’t get you where you want to go.

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It’s a New Generation in Lead Generation

The more things change, the more we need to change with them. Massive shifts in market conditions are profoundly affecting our profession. But it’s not just the market that’s recalibrating. We’re also in the midst of a revolution in information gathering, which influences how our buyers think and how they make decisions.

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Lead Generation Is More Than Meets the Eye

Anybody who knows how to eat knows how to generate a lead, right? You call a banker or a lawyer, make lunch reservations at the local chop house and before you’ve digested the creamed spinach you’ve landed a hot prospect.

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The Research Call: The Secret Strategy of Master Rainmakers

You may be surprised to uncover a health tip in an article about revenue growth, but that’s exactly what I’ve got for you. It’s guaranteed to minimize stress, and it has nothing to do with food or exercise. It’s “the research call,” an information-gathering strategy that does not require you to engage in the traditional approach to active rainmaking.

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Building a ‘Ferrari’ Referral Network

Ever wish you could turbo-charge your referral efforts? The need for speed has never been greater for CPAs. If your referral program is plodding along when it should be setting the pace, there’s good news: a network-building strategy that is innovative, focused and proven.Caution! This is not your father’s Oldsmobile!

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